
Mitchell Kertzman Active

Symbium launched out of Stanford in 2018. The key to Symbium's business is Computational Law (Complaw), an innovative technology based on the codification of laws and regulations in computable form. Just as TurboTax encapsulates the tax code, Symbium's Complaw-enabled web applications have rules and regulations built right in. These applications provide users with instant answers to their regulatory questions, and thereby eliminate much of the slow and expensive manual post-processing of those inquiries. Until now, the development of Complaw systems using traditional development stacks has been costly and time-consuming. Regulations and policies often change, resulting in high maintenance costs. To combat these problems, the Symbium team developed a platform that enables the accelerated and lightweight development and maintenance of web-based Complaw systems at scale and at little or no cost to partners.

While Symbium’s technology is applicable to multiple market verticals, the company is launching its initial Complaw services in the largest and most underserved vertical – local government. The company offers two initial services in the planning space. The first is a Business Zoning Check Service, which streamlines the path that business owners must take to open their business – from figuring out where in the city it is permitted to open their business to navigating the application process. The second is an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Service, which empowers homeowners and planners to quickly assess if it is feasible to develop an ADU on their property and makes it easier for local governments to review the resulting permit applications. The company is currently exploring partnerships with local jurisdictions throughout California.